Welcome to Self-Efficacy Month at the Umbrella Project! After the long Canadian winter, spring ushers in a time of renewed growth and energy. I love seeing the twinkle in everyone’s eye as they begin to shed layers and watch the thawing earth bloom back into life.

April is the perfect month to harness that boost in energy by working on our self-efficacy.

What is self efficacy? How does to help us?

The easiest way to think about self-efficacy is as our “I can do this” or “I cannot do this” skill. It’s the belief in our ability to succeed or manage situations. As you can imagine, self-efficacy has dramatic effects on behaviour, effort, learning and achievement.

If we don’t think we can do something, we are unlikely to give the task a lot of our time and energy and we are therefore unlikely to succeed at that task.

Self-efficacy is a big part of our motivation and this skill gets stronger the more we overcome difficulties and challenges related to our goals. As our self-efficacy increases, we feel a greater sense of positive control over our lives which is a critical part of our wellbeing!