Parenting is a series of conversations, each one teaching and reinforcing the way our children see the world. We have a funny saying at our house “Self-regulate or be regulated” and it’s a good one to try this week.

I love this one because it’s funny, easy to throw out as challenges arise and it resonates beautifully with kids because the power resides with them first. Our job as parents is to get our kids to the point that they don’t need us at all, that they can make good decisions for their health and happiness all on their own. Growing up therefore is a slow power transfer from you to your child.

This conversation is great because it builds your child’s autonomy and empowers then while still recognizing that their is a journey to independence and you will step in when needed to teach and guide them. It frames their good choices like a balanced diet and getting homework done as a sign of moving up the maturity scale and can make them a point of pride.

Featured image by Myles Tan on Unsplash.